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Working with sex offenders

Working with sex offenders

About the course

An online and interactive safeguarding training course with voiceover, designed for staff working with anyone who has been convicted of a sexual offence.

The course covers identification of what sex offences would mean an individual would be on the sex offenders’ register, developing your knowledge of the sex offenders’ register and who manages an individual, develop your skill in effectively working with a sex offender to reduce the risk of manipulation.

This course has been developed by a former police officer who worked directly with sex offenders and continues to risk assess individuals who have been accused of inappropriate conduct against children and adults.

Enrolment is through our Keys To Safeguarding website.

Course Details

Suitable for:
Health workers
Police officers
Probation officers
Support workers

Sample Content

Course Details

Suitable for:
Health workers
Police officers
Probation officers
Support workers

Sample Content

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